Sunday 7 December 2008


I was just adding the blog of Minish to my Google reader. I couldn't find the add subscription button for a few seconds, then I realised they had moved it three inches further up the page. Why? Why do websites change things when there is just no need. All the effort of changing the site (granted I have no idea how much effort that is) and all they accomplished was confusing me for a few seconds.

Not even going to bring up the Y****** word because I want to go eat breakfast, and if I started on that we could be here for some time.


Todd said...

change is good.. . . right?

Dave said...

change is good.... if there's a good reason for it!

doug said...

There's a subscribe button..?! I've just always used a firefox plugin to add a rss subscribe button to every dynamic web page ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm usually able to accept change as long as the change is either forewarned or necessary. I hate it when they throw something in your face and say, "This is how it's going to be now. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not."

Anonymous said...

I can never find the subscribe button...and my password never works! I can never log in and I'm tired of fixing it.

Anonymous said...

You know, I had this discussion with my friends the other day and we came to the conclusion that these sites only change things around when they are totally necessary to either

a)infuriate people for the sake of infuriating people


b) infuriate people so much that they forget all about the other problems in the world like the recession

Anonymous said...

I meant "unnecessary"