Monday, 21 July 2008

What a difference (half) a day makes.

This morning I woke up, having barely slept in a double bed with four people in it, baking hot and dehydrated and just wanting someone to do me a favour and knock me unconscious for a week. I spent the next few hours trying to move as little as possible having found a slightly cooler place to lie.

So that was me this morning.

Then I drove back home which was a further three hours of unpleasantness, but then...

I showered, shaved, ate... just did all the things I hadn't done that much of over the last two days, and suddenly I felt awesome, all happy about having seen my friends, and excited at the thought of seeing other friends tomorrow. Oh and my piano got a tuning while I was gone so for the first time ever I have an in tune piano! Expect piano videos soon(ish) and also a video PJ, John, Tom and I did in Peterborough, it's the result of putting four strange people who like to make videos together for a few hours. I like that thought.

I have just one thing left to do and it needs to be done soon. In fact, now. *falls asleep while hitting publish*


Anonymous said...

im going to make a blogpost liunking to this blogpost so i dont have to write a similar blogpost. but now i cba. gnight

Anonymous said...

You have a blog, crazy.

Glad you're... feeling better?

Anonymous said...

Piano videos, yay :)

Anonymous said...

Was great to meet you on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Been laid up with badly sprained foot but good to hear you saw some of your
friends and will look forward to video with piano. Have a lovely day. Sounds like
it is as hot there as here.

Anonymous said...

My friend thought you said, "falls asleep while hitting puberty."